Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Check out this band!!!

Pretty impressive new death metal band from out of Montreal, Canada.
just put out an album called 'The Dreamer's Will'  which they are pretty much encouraging people to just go download for free.  you can do the same from THIS LINK

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Show Review

The Headstones 

This is a band that i grew up with.  Being on hiatus for a long time, to my knowledge they are technically not back together as a band.  They just kinda decided to do a small amount of shows in the area for fun.  Hailing out of Canada just north of the border, this grungy alternative rock band has a very unique, likable sound on their studio albums.  Some notable tunes inclue 'Cemetery'  'Absolutely' and 'Fuck You' 
From a band with so much music in their library and so many shows on their resume it doesn't surprise me how solid they were.  The mix was great at Rapids Theatre although i wish their guitar player would have played with his custom Les Paul instead of the black Fender Telecaster he used through the entire set.  I have nothing against the guitar or the player.  They're both legendary for a reason, but the pickup combination of a Telecaster is known to be kind of twangy and shrill.  That's exactly how it sounded, In it's clean tones it was absolutely harsh and cut over the rest of the mix.  But this is a very minor almost ridiculous critique, i'll admit haha.  They were great.  Entertaining to watch, played the songs well and with a lot of energy, you can tell that they enjoyed playing the songs and they expressed that in almost every way.  I'd say i'd go see them again, but i probably never will.  This was a very RARE show that i was very lucky to go see.  If you are also lucky enough to have them play a show in a city near you, don't hesitate.  Go listen to some of their song clips on i-Tunes and if it sounds even sort of good to you, go see the show you'll have a blast 


Show Review

Super Killer Robots

Local band from my home city Buffalo, NY they opened up for the Headstones at Rapids Theatre in Niagara Falls NY.  To start off, i'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt, they are a new-ish band with little to no fanbase who were put in front of an absolutely massive crowd of people who didn't give two shits about them.  They were...'interesting' is the best word to describe them.  Their show had no direction or structure, seemed like they were just kinda jammin the whole time.  Their vocalist.  He was trippin on something and HARD.  He was skipping around, crawling around under a blanket while doing handstands, throwing things...he was in another world.  It was absolutely hilarious.  i was legitimately laughing my ass off.  but it made the band look bad.  As far as musicianship goes, you can tell there's something there.  They aren't bad musicians at all..i just didn't 'get it' i guess.  I think i needed to be in the same realm the rest of them were in hahaha.  

If their vocalist wasn't so funny to watch, their score would be lower

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's an electronic music kind of day

It's Shpongle time!!!
Off the latest Shpongle EP 'The God Particle' 
This is extremely tripped out, drug inspired electronic music at it's finest.  
i'd say if you are into Dubstep and are curious as to what else is out there as far as electronic music, this is a pretty good next step, because either you're going to love it or hate it.  My ex girlfriend seemed to think back when i first discovered this that it wasn't even music.  That's fucking bullshit lmao.  This guy is awesome, listen for yourself!  it's a cold, lazy, boring day in Buffalo and this is what i'm jamming to and you should as well.  Turn your radio off and throw this on NOW!  :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Best song so far..

In Flames - The Chosen Pessimist

So far, this is the best song on the cd, as well as their longest song in their studio recording history.  It's the only song that really does something different.  It's slow and easy going for the most part and it just changes up the pace well and reminds you that the album is still on haha.  Because for the most part so far...This cd is pretty boring.  But my opinion could change

In Flames - A Sense of Purpose

Currently listening through the second most recent In Flames album called 'A Sense of Purpose' through some pretty good bose speakers. bought this at Best Buy a couple weeks ago for about ten bucks.  worth it?  not sure yet

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Like The Deftones?

Here's a good alternative.  Are they better than The Deftones?  no, i don't see it that way.
This band has elements of The Deftones in the overall structure and vocal style
but has harder guitars, 'Djent' style guitars more along the lines of Periphery (actually their vocalist reminds me a bit of Spencer from Periphery as well)
when shown to my friends and fellow musicians i have gotten mixed response.  
a good buddy of mine said something along the lines of "It sounds like they are trying too hard"  not really sure what that means..but that's one angle.  
But if you like The Deftones or that Djent style of guitar work, for sure give these guys a listen.
They're heavy almost without trying to be.  They're heavy in a different sense.  You won't find any 'breakdowns' here.  But they aren't needed.  

Welcome to Fuck Your Scene!

Your mind is about to be blown as you will realize all the music that you thought was awesome, actually sucks